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EA going Trayless?

Students were welcomed to an interesting surprise over winter break; a new tray system was installed in the school cafeteria. The staff and students were interviewed for their various opinions. Mr. Familetti, head of dining services, explains why the previous system was replaced. “The old tray system was prone to constant breakage. It also did not allow for more environmentally friendly trayless lunch days and was a hassle to the cafeteria workers and dishwashers.” When prompted about a trayless cafeteria in EA, students responded positively; for the most part. “I think it’s a good idea and it makes the cafeteria more efficient. EA should do that because it would cut down the cost of washing all the trays everyday. Because of the new conveyer belt system, I don’t think trays would be necessary.” says Spencer Higgins, class of ‘18. However, other Episcopal Academy students, while for the new tray system, were against a trayless cafeteria entirely. “No, no you would have to make a lot of trips and carry a lot of plates. I don’t care about the environment, we pay thirty grand a year to go here, I’m sorry, I don’t believe water is that expensive,” says a student who would rather remain anonymous. Generally, it seems that most students believe the tray system is a positive thing, and that EA is headed in the right direction. Some students were upset with how resources were spent, for example Tommy Craig, class of ‘19, states “Although I’m happy with the new tray system, and the potential to go trayless. I think the lines are a really big problem, and the school should be focusing on a solution to fix the big line problem, as opposed to the trays”. Although students have this opinion, Mr. Familetti states that this would not be a plan in the near future as the cafeteria would need to be completely redesigned.

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